So life has been a bit crazy lately. Like most women/moms in the US I have about 10 too many balls in the air right now. My saving grace at this point is ballet class. It's constant. It's always there. It makes sense to me and at the mid point of my day, it brings me back to sanity. Really, it's a mediation for me...a way to quiet my roudy mind. And although it works, I have come to realize that maybe I need to explore other yoga or something similar. This is an idea I came to while reading "Eat, Pray, Love". No surprise to most who have read it I am sure. It brought to light the lack of balance in my everyday life.
On Tuesday, I was watching the girls in my level 3/4 class do adagio when I realized an interesting connection. There are several dancers who doing very well with quieting their penches and other steps that require balance. There is no real connection between them that I can tell as to why it is those particular girls....except one thing. They are all cast in Alysia Klein's "Flickering I Roam" with our Performance Dance Team. In this piece they are required to literally stand on their heads or be upside down in a stall for probably 25% of the time. (roughly 30 - 45 sec). I am constantly amazed at their ability to concentrate under pressure. These are the same young ladies who can be incredibly silly and unfocused at times.... :) (they are 14 afterall). But you know, when you are on your head, there's a lot more to loose if you fall you HAVE to focus.
As I realized this, many layers started to unfold in my mind. I have recently decided that yoga might be a good idea for me in dealing with my life and quieting my own mind. I also realized that when I learn about yoga, that concepts with yoga will most likely enhance not only my personal life, but me as a teacher. If I can learn to quiet my mind, I can help my students to focus their own minds. And WAIT!...don't they stand on their heads in yoga and meditation?!?!
This thought of course makes me I think of all of us ballerinas...on our heads. We actually tried it for a few minutes, but some of the girls were surprisingly resistent.
So, it's off to yoga class I go to learn about quiet balance. I hope it's quiet anyway....those girls and my brain are loud!
Smile and Pointe your Toes!