Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bonded for life

Today when I was out for a drive to run an errand (and to get my little stinker to sleep), the cloudy weather made me feel a bit nostalgic.  I was listening to music I used to play with the band I was a part of for many years.  I miss being a part of that type of group.  Between music and dance, I've been part of many!  It got me thinking about the bond created among artists who perform together.

Over the years I have created friendships, acquaintances and colleagues through music and dance.  And even though we have moved on and created our lives, (which may or may not include music or dance) we share a bond that is unlike any other.  When you perform together, create art together, you are connected forever.  You've created, sacrificed, and taken risks for a common goal.  We may not have all been the best of friends, or shared our deepest, darkest secrets with each other, but the bond is there.

One of the best things about my job is to watch that same bond being formed between the students at Loveland Dance Academy.  They are sisters and brothers in dance.  They may not all be best friends, but they are a family.  They look out for one another.  They reminisce about the members they've lost, (those who have moved, or stopped dancing) and take care of ones who need it.  They fight at times and they get upset with each other, but when it comes down to it, they are in it together. 

So here's to the musicians and dancers I've performed with; I hope you are well!

Smile and Pointe your toes!

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